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The Cybernetic Indian

The Cybernetic Indian

​The Cybernetic Indian is defined as a benevolent amalgamation of the best of both ancient and modern man, a dynamic fusion of the poetic wisdom of the American Indian and the sentient technology of cybernetic man. If primitive man is not retained in the soul of modern man, the latter loses his way, his sense of purpose and his anchor to the ancient mysteries essential to the spiritual development of the technocratic mindset.


Playing the role of a lawyer defending secular morality in a court of cosmic jurisprudence, the author envisions a futuristic world dedicated to universal brotherhood and completely devoid of fascism, evolution’s most pernicious legacy. Fascism is represented by what Stanley calls the CRG FORCE, a triadic amalgamation of corporations, religions and governments committed to preventing the spirit of humankind from ascending to its manifest destiny: the godhead.


Stanley contends that the current debate between true believers and non-believers, the religionists versus the atheists, is a bogus enterprise incapable of reaching a meaningful conclusion. Instead, he advocates a third pursuit of ascendency, based on a quote from “The Denial of Death” written by cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker: “Man seeks release from the travails of his mortal self by seeking immortality—not as immortal man, but as God. What man wants more than anything else is immortality—a pipe dream as man; a reality as God.” The atheists are half-right; we don’t start with God, but we end with God. As for the true believers, it seems axiomatic well into this new century that religions as we have known them—belief systems bloated with dogmas and strictures, largely joyless, stratified, politically contaminated and maintained by the odious methodology of fear-mongering and guilt-layering—have nothing to offer those seeking spiritual ascendancy in this Cybernetic Age.


In this court of cosmic jurisprudence, Stanley frames his argument in the belief that the purpose of man is to evolve and become the God whose existence cannot be unequivocally confirmed, that we must either attain a high state of secular spirituality—thus forever altering the nature of man—or humanity will degenerate into a state of chaos and face ultimate destruction. If mankind fails, so does God. The author couches his presentation in a simple, yet monumental, dictum: MANKIND’S DESTINY IS GOD”S DEFINITION.

Once more, Stanley quotes Ernest Becker: “We can envisage a utopia wherein people will have such long lives that the fear of death will drop away, and with it the fiendish drivenness that has haunted man so humiliatingly and destructively all through his history and now promises to bring him total self-defeat. Men will then be able to live in an ‘eternal now’ of pure pleasure and peace, become truly the godlike creatures that they have the potential to be.”


Stanley presents his summation:

“It is obvious, at least to me, that a fractionate human race cannot survive. What Christians do in the name of God, what Jews do in the name of Jehovah, and what Muslims do in the name of Allah is at the heart of humankind’s failure to establish universal peace. Fundamentalism gasps in despair to imagine that in the eventual understanding of quantum weirdness man will have shed forever his mortal raiment. The adoption of a universal code of conduct, replacing all religious precepts, is essential to the tenability of that survival and the subsequent ascension to the godhead. Total liberation of the human spirit is an absolute must, not an option. We must, and soon, transcend the artificial limitations imposed on the soul of man by the fascist mindset of the CRG Force. Essential to that epochal readjustment is an acknowledgment of our evolutionary heritage, an acceptance of mankind’s crucial role in the creation of a God-to-be, and the formation of a secular morality based on, or on criteria similar to, the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, Gandhi’s list of Seven Evils and the last seven of the Ten Commandments. If knowledge is our destiny, as so many great minds have proclaimed, and if it follows, as it must, that knowledge has no imaginable limitations, then the spirit of mankind has no recourse but total transcendence. Enjoined to fight evil, the philosophical definition of the evolutionary imperative, we arm ourselves not with prayer and supplication but with the arsenal of knowledge, the pragmatic definition of virtue. We must connect by disconnecting, finding the nexus to our promised destiny by disavowing all that is trivial and demeaning to spirits in ascension. We must find a spiritual home in the wilderness of our deepest selves. Finally, we must go on to become the God we were meant to be, because anything less will not be a lower level of existence but total annihilation. God, finally, will get the face He deserves. It will look remarkably like ours. We will have met the savior. He is us.”


I rest my case.

Some of the many “out-of-the-box” discussion points contained in this extraordinary book:


At birth we are both agnostic and bisexual—nothing more. We are the freest we will ever be during the first few hours following birth, that brief interregnum of pure bliss before the many social manipulators descend like thunder and callously decide who we are and what we will become.

Our true biological nature is bisexuality. Homosexuality and heterosexuality have no biological validity, are merely political terms designed as mind control by the fascists of corporations, religions and governments; a triad I call the CRG FORCE.


Man’s spiritual nature has no gender. What we consider gender is but the physical mask we wear, or the container, that which contains our spiritual nature. What we should esteem is the contained, not the container; that which is packaged, not the packaging materials. Our spiritual natures exist forever, constantly absorbing and disseminating knowledge extracted from the continuous flow of the continuum, which through an unrelenting process of reincarnation draws mankind inexorably toward the godhead.

Continental Drift imbued emerging mankind with the sense of xenophobia pervading all races and tribal configurations, making international harmony and brotherhood nearly impossible.

Why is Yogi Berra referred to as a quantum prophet? Stephen J. Gould gave the Berra Bifurcation Principle a big thumbs up.


Manifestly imperfect, God, the putative Supreme Being, requires the partnership of mankind for both entities to gain entrance to the godhead, thereby finally creating the true God who has been but the fanciful invention of a humanity desperately seeking an almighty master to take charge of their destinies and give meaning to their chaotic lives.


The celestial revolt of the bad Angels eons ago should have never occurred if God were truly almighty. Moreover God lost the battle, won by his evil twin brother, Satan, who sent God into exile and pulled off the creation event with the big bang. The big bang could also be interpreted as God getting blown to smithereens, these innumerable God bits becoming fragmented knowledge flowing on the stream of the continuum and getting absorbed by the brain of man, who ultimately “knows the mind of God” and declares a full-fledged partnership in reclaiming the godhead from the fiery interloper. Satan sealed his fate by failing to understand that in addition to time and matter the big bang created knowledge.

The social networks will pave the way for the emergence of the Global Village, a universal condition essential to the survival of both God and man.

This book can be summed-up in one pithy sentence: MANKIND’S DESTINY IS GOD’S DEFINITION.


Paraphrasing Pogo, “We have met God. He is us.”

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